Tuesday, April 06, 2010

First release of "Jeg Ønsker Mig" on Google App Engine

Yesterday I finally deployed my first release, well BETA release, of "Jeg Ønsker Mig" on Google App Engine. It's a wishlist application in which you may add wishs, send unique links to recipients and such.

Damn, it's easy to deploy new versions and to have more than one version of the application on GAE/j, so you may have a production version and a development version uploaded at the same time but accessible at different URL's.

Please give it a try at : http://jeg-oensker-mig.appspot.com/ but bear in mind that its a beta release and content is subject to change at all times (including whatever wishlists you may have created).


Blogger Unknown said...

Hvordan genudsender man sin liste..??
Skal man virkelig slette alle modtagere og så oprette dem igen..???

20/11/10 13:46  

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