Sunday, April 18, 2010

Added english version

I finally got around to convert my newest project "Jeg Ønsker Mig", an online free wishlist, to english. Its called "My Wish", primarily because someone ( dammit :-) ) had already taken my preferred name which was "I Wish", but what are you gonna do.

Once again Stripes did the job as it has some pretty simple but darn workfull localization possibilities. I wrote a single "include" tag myself, which could include a whole file (HTML) based on the current locale, and a single function to also localize text in other tags e.g.  <my:jsptag title="function:message(request.locale, 'some.key')">stuff</my:jsptag> and such..

Well - give it a spin if you please, and please report if you find a bug or request a feature.


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