Saturday, November 19, 2005

Oracle 10g express on debian 3.1

Yeah baby - I FINALLY got Oracle 10g express to work on my debian dist. I
had to change quite a few lines in oracle-xe (mostly to do with missing chkconfig on my debian system and some paths) and creating a directory which is NOT std. debian (/etc/sysconfig) and using alien to create a .deb package and finally by using dpkg to install the lot.
Well acutally I installed it twice before it worked, first I simply used alien to install the downloaded RPM package from, then making the above changes and repacking the RPM to .deb, and finally installing the .deb using dpkg.
Then there were NO errors displayed and I am able to browse to http://localhost:8080/htmldb to see admin webapp... Ofcoz this is NOT for a production stable system, but still, it seems to work perfectly...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Shall we shack now?

Well - Finally - I got really fed up by writing (or wiring) ANT build.xml files, so I started looking at writing a new build system for my various projects... First thought was to implement this in Ruby and along the path learn Ruby (to be fully buzzwork compliant you know :-) ), but then I looked at Groovy.. Now groovy has taken some serious beating in the past so I was kinda biased towards using it, but I decided to give it a fair chance and what do you know -I like it (so far).. Closures, some serious cool language features(add-ons)... So I decided, heck.. MayB Ruby if just the freakin' word of the month.. Groovy seems to be "java on 'roids"! So Im going forwards writing my "make" in groovy.. Groovy!
Update: Its not going to be a (n)make or ANT clone.. I've got some "new" thoughts how this should be done.. hopefully it'll be cool!!!