Thursday, April 17, 2008

Salgsfremmende eller bare skræmmende?

Jeg rodede lidt rundt i en webshop idag. Jeg lagde en 4-5 ting i den virtuelle indkøbsvogn/kurv men endte med at droppe købet pga. en forholdsvis dyr forsendelsespris.
Efter at have lukket browseren slog det mig at - hvad nu hvis mit køb rent faktisk gav en positiv indtjening for butikken selv hvis de selv skulle betale for forsendelsen. Hvorfor så ikke sende mig et godt tilbud en uges tid senere ala:

"Vi kunne se at du havde lagt varer x, y og z i kurven, men ikke afsluttet dit køb. Vi har et godt tilbud til dig her! Gratis forsendelsen!"


"-15% på købet"

Det eneste butikken skal gøre er at implementere persistente indkøbsvogne, og f.eks. løbe dem igennem efter 5 dage og beregne dækningsbidraget ved flere tilbudsscenarier.

Go ide? Eller bare skræmmende pludselig at få en tilbudsmail fra webshop på et køb man har droppet?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

is it just osCommerce?

... or are most PHP based sites implemented like we did in the 90'ties in JSP model 1?

First, I'm not much of a PHP developer, but I've written a thing or two, but the last couple of days I've been playing with osCommerce (last downloadable version) and I must say - it's a big pile of spaghetti wiring.
Second, I do appreciate the developers of osCommerce to volunteer their time and effort in developing an open source product like osCommerce but I'm glad I don't have to spend most of my time, extending osCommerce.

So - whats wrong with it?

  • Model 1 like "architecture" where a PHP page starts with a switch case of a parameter typically called "action" which decides what action to take (and do), much like:
    • switch ($action) {
    • case 'create':
    • .... do whatever to create, make SQL, call MySQL and such
    • case 'update':
    • .... do whatever to update, make SQL, call MySQL and such
I think you get the point!

default is ofcourse to write the HTML of the page, with submits back to self and a hidden parameter called "action"

As you might imagine, this leads to huge files, with a lot of code hidden behind if's and switches and not having you daily routine going thru osCommerce files, it's damn hard to figure out where goes where and why.. Well - for me anyway!

A simple event system would be nice, because most extensions (I think) are based on integrating osCommerce with external systems and had an event system been included, it would be rather simple to, for instance, synchronize osCommerce customers with ERP systems whenever a customer was created or updated.. well - maybe i'll write one and stop bitching about it :-)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

WMWare rulez at localhost

WMWare rules at localhost!

I'm doing some C and PHP programming, and I use a WMWare instance for each project (because they are rather intrusive). It is damn nice to simply start a debian instance in a WMWare player and have the whole system set up as wanted and needed.

I've taken part in projects in the past which were virtualized on WMWare instances and I would not recommend running production system on WMWare (from my experience - not saying its at all bad)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I really liked OpenID

...but not so much after reading this post. It states:

... Beyond this, OpenID is pretty much useless. The reasons for this are many: OpenID is highly vulnerable to phishing and other attacks, creates insurmountable privacy problems, is not a trust system, suffers from usability problems, and makes it unappealing to become an OpenID “consumer.” Many smart people have already elaborated on these problems in various forums. In the rest of this post I will be quoting from and pointing to their critiques.
Quote Stefan Brands, author.

It's a damn shame OpenID is so "open" to phishing and other kind of attacks. I actually still like the idea of a decentralized single sign on system, and I do feel like OpenID does have its place, but you have to be more than average awake when using OpenID and performing a login.